King Among Beggars, Madmen, and Tyrants...
The Leviathan spell is broken! Sixty one long years of forgetfulness is gone! His Imperial Majesty's legacy is unveiled. The 3,000 year written history of the bloodlines of Ras Tafari, the descendant of David and Solomon whose matriarch was the Queen of Sheba, is attended by the Old Testament, Psalms, Song of Solomon, New Testament, and The Holy Qur'an. The power of this legacy to unify people of all faiths is proven vibrant, dynamic, awe-inspiring, and ageless. It requires an overview of African History pre-dating European thought. Judaism cannot claim what she did not originate. Christianity with its manipulations cannot address this legacy without nullifying its effect. The task is left to Islam to tie in all the loose ends and provide a basis for beneficial analysis and overstanding.
“His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I could trace his lineage back to aforesaid David and Solomon – he was related to Jesus – and back to the 12 tribes of Israel: –1). Dan, 2). Asher, 3). Naphtali, 4). Manasseh, 5). Ephraim, 6). Reuben, 7). Judah, 8). Benjamin, 9). Simeon,10). Issachar, 11). Zebulon, 12). Gad; see Psalms 75.”
The Ethiopian Coptic Church has captured the imagination of many in Abyssinia, as it offers an African telling of the Christ-story. That story vastly differs from the European telling which is couched in racism, white supremacy, oppression. exploitation, slavery and suffering; one scholar states, "the oldest practice of Christianity in the world is in Ethiopia. If the church in Rome wants to know about Christianity in its traditional form, let them go to the Black folks in Abyssinia, called Ethiopia. Let them tell so-called White Christians about the Ethiopian Orthodox Coptic Church, the oldest (remaining) version of Christianity." –Haim Akbar.
In 1954, the same year of "Brown vs Topeka Board of Education's" separate but equal, His Majesty would light upon Holy Detroit in its dawning age, imparting his royal dignity to the populace, while spreading humanitarian good-will of the more than 3,000 year legacy of Abyssinian "Judaism", Islam, and Christianity. Still, it must be remembered that both "Judaism", and "Christianity" are off-shoots from the Original Islam that proceeded from Adam and is plainly evident throughout the Creation.