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Sex Wars, and Islam

Why is sex the most dominant theme on TV, Movies, and Literature?

In the Holy Qur’an we learn that slander of women is a grave offense. Slander is given in such a way that it is taken for truth. Slander causes women to be looked upon in a suspicious manner. Slander is a sort of bondage or enslavement from which someone must be freed. See the Surah called Nur. Sex offenses are to be punished publicly, although privacy, along with chastity and purity, is the decorum of the home. We want to review and answer many of the questions raised in the previous segment. These inquiries are given as follows.

1. Who teaches the girls and young women what it is to be Woman? From what has now been discussed we see that women are spiritual creatures whose nearness to Allah supersedes that of men: women are entrusted with the new life before men, and women have exemptions which men do not have. Thus it is Allah who teaches the girls and young women what it is to be a woman. Although, the church, the synagogue, and the mosque have deferred their duty to the community America, they are still responsible for echoing the message of Allah. When this does not happen millions of consequences develop and society is the setback. Yes, mother and father should play a leading role in this development, too. But, when mother and father do not have any sound scriptural background, or when they are disbelievers the door is open for Satan to lead the girls astray and dictate to them what he, Satan, wants out of a woman. Allah wants that girls, and women have freedom to grow in the knowledge of Him and what He orders for society. We know what Satan wants. He wants a deviant. Allah wants a believer. Satan wants a rebel against Allah. He wants someone unwilling to follow His Messenger. Allah wants us to believe in Him and follow His Messenger. The religious institution is supposed to uphold the Divine Revelation and raise Womanhood to the zenith of civilization where it belongs, for each succeeding generation may build on the strength or weaknesses of the previous generation.

“So she has to signal the intended sex partner that she is available, while the media sings her praises because she represents freedom from religion. She represents the corporate-sponsored normative behavior in Western culturelessness.”

2. What is the average thought of what it is to be a woman, according to Western and American culturelessness? Western and American culturelessness is so called because it chides the civilization of Prophet Muhammad. It seeks to escape Divine Revelation. We may not know what the average thought is. However, we can offer some insight on how womanhood seems to be perceived by the cultureless. To many it is to be a sex toy. To others it is to be a hindrance to man. To still others it is to walk blindly into whatever trap exists, simply because one has the freedom to choose. It must be maintained that the major benefit of government is to protect the weak; that’s why it exists, and not to tax the poor so that the rich can continue to eat the poor. Enrich the poor, protect the weak. It should be a national offense to see women displayed out in public as though they are animals without shame. A woman who reaches adulthood is a savage until she marries and values the marriage. But, America herself does not really value, nor sanctify marriage, yet she wants-in on everyone’s affairs. There is no privacy in the home, no sanctity in the bedroom, no honor in the commitment. In fact, what is commitment? Men are taught by media to run away from commitment, and women themselves do not honor commitments this again owing to media. Many examples could be recalled to show the effects of media on our thoughts and perceptions. However, those examples would make this topic too long. The content and form of media presentations produce a stigma which people act out in real life. And, even though newspapers and magazines have a tradition of political advocacy and objectivity, while television and movies tend to be less political and more subjective, it’s due to government regulation which is seasoned by popular opinion and general “American” consensus. So, if TV and movies present women as female dogs and bimbos then on the streets of America that is what one generally sees portrayed. Of course, of late, women have been spouting economic prosperity and rise to positions of “authority” such as becoming bishops in churches, governors, and business tycoons. However, this does very little to change the image portrayed in the media because there is little or no core transformation.

3. Why is sex the most dominant theme on TV, Movies, and Literature? The tight compression and easy absorption of TV, movies, and literature make them suitable for media messages and suggestions that are taken in by massive audiences. On page or screen one sees displayed behavior or situations that one may subconsciously desire. And even if someone does not subconsciously desire that situation in which one may model the “star” with whom one identifies there is the positioning that “character” in such a way as to make it rise in the order of one’s mind set in a list of possibilities that will be turning around in the mind as behavior options. Sex has been taboo for years. What is objectionable is the public display of sex. Sex should be reserved for marriage, according to Divine Dictate. Satan comes along and says: “Allah did not mean that you should regard His Law completely. At least have a look sexual fun outside of marriage between opposite sex partners. Wow! Wasn’t that great? Would you like to try it? Here’s how it’s done. You’re young and beautiful, why not flout your beauty to and with as many as possible? Who cares whom you make jealous? Men will like you! Women will like you. You do want to be liked. Wear this. Do that. Go head, let it all hang out. "You ain’t hurting nobody.” Foolish! You’re hurting yourself. Your image of yourself is down the toilet. You have to stoop to such a low level to get noticed. But, sex sales. Profits are up. TV, movies, and literature are produced to make money.

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