The Universal Message
The Merrimam-Webster dictionary defines peace (\ ˈpēs \) as: 1). a state of tranquility or quiet; 2). freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions; 3) agreement and harmony among people; 4). freedom from or the cessation of war or violence. Without question peace is the underlying message of every God-fearing creed that exists on this planet, and beyond. It pervades all religions, and is foundation upon which all higher callings stand upon. The Holy Qurʾān asserts the importance of peace by telling us “O You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). Do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. He is an outright enemy to you.” —Sūrat al-Baqarah 2:208.
Peace (salām) is the universal message, and the source of all peace (As-Salam السلام) is Allāh. It is the purpose of DIGNITY Magazine to educate, enlighten, and empower through its undying commitment to the dīn of Al Islām as revealed to Rasulullah Muhammad (s.a.w.) through The Holy Qurʾān, and expressed through the Points of Universal Order, which are:
Allāh (God) is One Alone, Independent, The Creator of All that is, Never Sleeping, Neither Dying, All Perfect: Judge of Creation.
All Prophets (PHUT) brought the same message.
Humanity is one. Every one came from Adam (PBUH) and Eve (PBUH).
Creation without humanity is in perfect harmony. Man having choice, causes sin, neglect, denial and rejection of creation's perfection.
Mankind is always in need of help.
All Divine scripture is true. Allāh does not lie.
Balance in humanity can be restored.
Deeds are divinely judged by intention. Every deed has a weight.
Allāh's mercy outweighs His wrath.
The Holy Qurʾān as it was received by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the final miracle to be witnessed by those favored by Allāh.